Message from the Initiative for the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP), Turkey
To the delegates of the 4th Annual Congress of the Marxist Workers’ League,
Finnish section of the Coordination for the Refoundation of the Fourth International
Dear Comrades,
The Initiative for the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP), section in Turkey of the Coordination for the Refoundation of the Fourth International, salutes the 4th Annual Congress of the Marxist Workers’ League, Finnish section of the Coordination for the Refoundation of the Fourth International, with fraternal revolutionary feelings. The historic and linguistic ties between the Finns and the Turks give us an additional pleasure in greeting your congress.
Your congress comes at an extremely sensitive moment in the unfolding of the class struggle worldwide and at the European scale. The financial crash of September-October 2008 will, in all likelihood, give way to an economic depression only comparable to the two Great Depressions of the history of capitalism, those of 1873-1896 and 1929-1948. This will certainly lead to cataclysmic socio-political developments, most importantly a hardening of the battle lines in the class struggle and, where conditions are appropriate, revolutionary crises. The Greek revolt of December 2008 is the first harbinger of the struggle to come and therefore should be considered an event of European, if not world, significance.
In such times, the indispensibility of the construction of a revolutionary party organising the workers’ vanguard in each country becomes all the clearer, since the fate of revolutionary outbreaks will hinge on correct leadership provided to the proletariat by such parties. It is for this reason that your patient and persistent efforts to form the nucleus of such a party in Finland are so important. The initial stages of the construction of a revolutionary party are, perhaps, the most decisive and it is here that the main contours of the future party are shaped. So we extend to you our wishes for the success of your endavour.
The recent war unleashed by the Zionist state of Israel on the oppressed population of Gaza has shown the level of cruelty this outpost of imperialism in the Middle East is able to resort to in order to crush the resistance of the Palestinian people. We stand firmly on the side of this people and fight for its freedom and its inviolable right to return to its homeland. Here in Turkey a similar treatment is given to the Kurdish people by the state and the forces of the bourgeoisie. We as DIP stand in complete and active solidarity with the Kurdish people and its political movement.
The coming period is full of traps but also promises for the international working class and the oppressed of the earth. Against this background let us march together to refound the Fourth International, the vanguard force of the world proletariat.
Long live the Marxist Workers League!
Long live the Coordination for the Refoundation of the Fourth International!
Long live the world revolution!
Sungur Savran, on behalf of the central body of the Initiative for the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP), Turkey
Viesti lähetettiin 23.-25-2009 pidetylle Maxilaisen Työväenliiton 4. järjestökokoukselle