Partido Obreron viesti MTL:n järjestökokoukselle

Dear Comrades:

The Executive Committee of Partido Obrero, the Argentinean Section of the CRFI, sends its warmest Trotskyist greetings to all the comrades in the Congress of the MWL. We wish you success to your important political work.

In the eve of your Congress, the capitalist world faces the worst crisis in its history. The bailouts of the banks failed to save them. The banks are in bankruptcy and, as consequence of the failure of the bailouts, the central banks and the public finances are in bankruptcy also. The economic crisis becomes a political crisis in the main countries, first of all, in the United States and in the European Union. Mass unemployment, IMF “austerity” plan, wage’s cuts, police repression sparked mass mobilizations en Greece, in Latvia, in Lithuania, in Iceland. Political crisis and independent mass mobilizations are the intermediary between a economic crisis and a revolutionary crisis.

In the present moment, we must take initiatives in order to obtain that the mass organizations more sensible to the impact of the crisis, first, call to the struggle and raise energetic action slogans that surely, bring to the fight broader mass contingents and, even, more conservative organizations. The CRFI must to raise immediately slogans for action and organization.

Is needed we make our best effort in order to –in the course of this fight- the proletarian vanguard arrive to strategic conclusions –the necessity of the historical overcoming of the capital’s regime and the fight for workers governments and the proletarian dictatorship, and that it must organize herself in combat parties –in a national and international scale.

Comrades, this is our common fight.
Long live the Marxist Workers League of Finland!
Long live the Fourth International!

Partido Obrero
Executive Committee
Buenos Aires, January 23th, 2009

Viesti lähetettiin 23.-25-2009 pidetylle Maxilaisen Työväenliiton 4. järjestökokoukselle

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