EEK – Kreikka
Dear Comrades of the Marxist Workers League,
The EEK, the Greek Section of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (CRFI) , sends its warmest internationalist communist greetings to your XIII annual Congress and wishes its greatest success.
We salute your consistent struggle for the Fourth International in the North of Europe, a struggle that continues the best revolutionary traditions of the Finnish working class, particularly from the days that have shaken the world a hundred year ago, in October 1917, when the first stage of the world socialist revolution started in Russia.
A hundred years later Europe and the world are shaken again by the worst crisis in the history of world capitalism producing mass unemployment, social disaster,imperialist wars, a tsunami of refugees from the devastated areas of the Middle East,xenophobia, rise of fascism but also revolutionary situations and revolts.
In these emergency conditions, and in the framework of the Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky”, we organize in Athens on May 26-28, 2017, in the aftermath of the Erdogan Referendum in Turkey, the critical Presidential Elections in France, the disintegration of the post-Brexit EU, and the chaos in the Middle East an Emergency 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference. We want to invite the MWL , and we will be honored if you participate. We send you in attachment the Call for that Conference.
Long live the Marxist Workers League !
Long live the EEK!
Long live the revolutionary unity of the workers of North and South, West and East!
Forward for the Fourth International and the world socialist revolution!
on behalf of the Central Committee of the EEK
Savas Michael
DIP – Turkki
Salute to the 8th Annual Congress of Marxist Workers’ Leauge (MTL)
Dear comrades of Marxist Workers’ Leauge,
First of all, as the Turkish section of the CRFI we heartily salute your 8th Annual congress and convey our regards that you lead a successful discussion.
Today as imperialism once again threatens to lead the whole world into disaster, the future of humanity depends on the defeat of imperalism and on the world socialist revolution. Because of this, our duties as internationalist revolutionary movements in different countries around the world are crucial and urgent. The financial crisis of capitalism in 2008 turned into an international depression. The economic crisis of the system has also turned into a political crisis for the ruling class around the world: today the bourgeoisie cannot rule as easily as before. Reactionary, fascist or proto-fascist movements are on the rise in Europe, America and other parts of the world, with Donald Trump as the president of USA and the likes of Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders gaining more and more power every day in Europe. As a result of the crisis the intense international competition between imperialist forces are threatening the whole of humanity with a new stage of barbarism. American and European imperialism, as the center of reaction, are leading the world into to a disaster step by step by following the aggressive strategy against the newly rising powers, Russia and China.
There is much darkness in the future of humanity, but there is also hope. The third great depression of capitalism and the political crisis of the bourgeoisie has led to many massive rebellions, fierce class struggles. There is no reason to abandon hope and we, in Turkey, have no doubt that you, our comrades in Finland, will fight with all your strength to lead the working class in its final battle against imperialism and bourgeoisie and prepare our victory.
In our country, Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP) is the only political movement that persistently demands Turkey to exit NATO, close all imperialist bases including Incirlik base in Adana. As the referendum in our country is approaching the government in collaboration with imperialism is attacking the opposition with great despotism, but despite the repression the struggle against imperalism and against the ruling class of Turkey is alive.
As you have mentioned in your message to our 4th congress, NATO has practised many simulated military operations across the eastern border of Finland last summer, according to a military alliance with Finland’s army. This shows that the internationalist, revolutionary struggle you carry on in your country is more important and urgent than ever. We declare that we stand in full solidarity with you today and will continue to do so in the future.
In this sense, we would like to emphasize the importance of building a revolutionary party that will lead the working class in the upcoming struggles and finally arise triumphant. That is not just our duty in our countries, but our international duty to build the world party of the working class; the International. We know that we are in complete agreement on the importance of re-building the international vanguard organization of the proletariat has today and we believe sincerely that you will bring up this subject in your congress.
We wish all comrades from MTL success during your congress.
Let’s turn 2017, the centenary of the great October Revolution, into a year the working class around the world will once again rise as an independent, revolutionary force and put an end to the capitalist order of the world!
Long live international class solidarity!
Long live MTL!
Long live CRFI!
Opción Obrera from Venezuela, sends a revolutionary greeting, on the occasion of its XIII congress. Our country today is strongly convulsed in a struggle between two capitalist sides, a failed populist nationalism and the alternative of a traditional right-wing and gorilla, yet with the conviction that the only revolutionary and workers’ exit is a proposal Independent, autonomous, class and unitary, we do not cease to work with the emerging alternatives and discontents of sectors that take actions in defense of workers and communities, and begin to reflect a delimitation with Chavismo.
The world capitalist crisis and its refraction in this country, by means of the fall of the price of oil, caused an economic bankruptcy of the most disastrous in the world today, which inevitably leads to the weariness of the Petit bourgeois nationalist civil-military to a government of the Traditional right, but it takes place in a context where workers have not only been defeated in the whole line, but continue to fight and resist against anti-worker measures.
We continue our struggle, with the understanding that an international alliance of workers is necessary, and even criminal is to give answers, without understanding that today only the IV international, refound or committed to achieve it, is the way to advance both in the National arena as world.
Long live the Marxist Workers’ League (Finland)
Long live the Coordinator for the Refoundation of the Fourth International
Revolutionary greetings
José Capitán
Opción Obrera
Maracay Venezuela
Estimado compañero Dimitris y compañeros de la Liga Marxista de los Trabajadores
Vaya nuestro saludo camaraderil a todos ustedes en oportunidad de iniciar su 8° Congreso Anual.
Este se desarrolla en momentos que se agrava la crisis capitalista mundial .A una década de distancia, de Lehman Brothers, la bancarrota capitalista no sólo continúa sino que se va profundizando. Nuestra caracterización común fue tildada de catastrofista, cuando en realidad era realista.
Tal como lo señalamos en el Congreso de Fundación de la CRCI, la restauración capitalista en los Estados donde fue expropiado el capital, no dio una salida a la crisis histórica de este régimen social agotado y decrepito, sino que extendió el radio de acción del colapso capitalista a todo el planeta. Ahora, se abren paso las tendencias de crisis y disolución que anidan en la Unión Europea
El gran desafío de la izquierda revolucionaria es darle un norte socialista revolucionario a la crisis que emerge en medio de este escenario convulsivo. . Las masas son arrastradas a una polarización entre defender la “Unión” acaudillada por el imperialismo germano-Frances o marchar a una política ‘nacionalista’ que consiste en tener su propia moneda local ,depreciada en relación al euro, desvalorizando la fuerza de trabajo y aumentando de esta manera la ‘competitividad’ de los capitalistas ‘nacionalistas’. Es necesario combatir ambas tendencias políticas que subordinan a la clase obrera detrás de liderazgos burgueses y la llevan a la catástrofe. En oposición a estas salidas antiobreras, luchamos por los Estados Unidos Socialistas de Europa y por gobiernos de trabajadores en cada país.
El triunfo de Trump da cuenta de una nueva etapa en la crisis mundial. La ofensiva en que La Casa Blanca está empeñada, está signada por la perspectiva de desarrollar una guerra económica en el plano internacional, acompañada de la imposición de un estado policial hacia el interior de EEUU. La pretensión del magnate es poner en pie un régimen de poder personal de carácter bonapartista. Pero la transición de un régimen político a otro no va a ser un paseo: va a estar surcada por choques profundos en la burguesía, por enmiendas y modificaciones bruscas de la legislación vigente y en caso de que su intentona naufrague, por la emergencia de un impeachment..Trump tiene todavía que probar si es capaz de reunir los medios políticos y económicos para gobernar Entre tanto, la movilización popular ha irrumpido en el escenario nacional en oposición a la ofensiva chovinista contra los inmigrantes.
Estados Unidos se ha convertido en el epicentro de la crisis mundial, luego de haber sido su epicentro y motor económico y financiero.
La bancarrota capitalista va haciendo, su trabajo de zapa, siendo el fermento de crisis políticas, de la emergencia de rebeliones de masas y de las tendencias a la creación de situaciones revolucionarias. Frente a este panorama, es fundamental trabajar para poner en pie partidos obreros revolucionarios, de combate, internacionalistas. Y para ello es fundamental la existencia de la Internacional Revolucionaria, de la IV Internacional.
Lamentablemente la CRCI arrastra una parálisis inadmisible y ha dejado de existir como corriente centralizada. . Las razones de esta situación son políticas.El PCL impulsa un rejunte sin principios con sectores del Secretariado Unificado y de las corrientes en que estalló el morenismo. El acercamiento del grupo italiano al PTS (a Is, al PSTU, al morenismo reconvertido) es la expresión de un frente, programático, teórico y político antimarxista y antirrevolucionario.
La batalla por la refundación de la IV, sin embargo, sigue vigente: es necesario volver a poner en marcha la CRCI, rescatando su programa y su concepción militante. El Partido Obrero de Argentina empieza su 24° Congreso Nacional el próximo 15 de abril, en momentos importantes de la lucha de clases. Esta semana se ha desarrollado en Argentina el primer paro general contra el gobierno de Macri, que ha tenido una enorme masividad. Nuestro PO ha estado al frente de los piquetes (junto a sectores de la izquierda y del sindicalismo clasista) en los principales accesos a la Capital y en todo el país. Por eso estamos siendo atacados por el poder político y distintos medios burgueses de información. Toda Latinoamérica es un volcán. Tal como planteamos en la Conferencia Latinoamericana que realizamos el año pasado en Montevideo: la crisis de los gobiernos nacionalistas burgueses y su reemplazo por camarillas derechistas pro fondomonetaristas, no ha abierto un nuevo ciclo político en el continente. Los gobiernos de Macri (Argentina), Temer (Brasil), etc. no logran resolver las crisis de sus naciones: marchamos hacia una agudización de la lucha de clases, no una atenuación de la misma. Para ello debemos prepararnos.
Reiteramos nuestra propuesta de comenzar esta tarea con la edición de una revista regular de lucha teórica y una campaña sistemática para difundir el programa de nuestra organización. . Ustedes tienen en su poder las Tesis aprobadas en la Conferencia de Montevideo realizada en julio del año pasado que, entendemos, que es una contribución en esta tarea. Nos comprometemos, asimismo, a hacerles llegar los documentos que publiquemos con las conclusiones de nuestro XXIV Congreso, programado para Semana Santa de este año. Esperamos recibir las vuestras.
Un fraterno abrazo cuartainternacionalista para todos los compañeros. Exitos en sus deliberaciones
Comisión Internacional del Comité Nacional del Partido Obrero.
Permanent Revolution – USA
I wish you success in your conference.
Finland, along with the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as Poland and the Ukraine, are today being impressed by U.S. and European imperialism as the front line in their attempts to encircle and subjugate Russia. It is the duty of socialists and internationalists to oppose these bellicose maneuvers of the imperialist powers without at the same time providing any support for the reactionary regime of Putin and the oligarchs he represents.
Only the combined efforts of the international working class today represents hope for the struggle against war and capitalist devastation as it did 100 years on the eve of the Russian Revolution.
With comradely greetings,
Alex Steiner
New York,
April 8, 2017